Join this year’s Yom Ha’atzmaut photo-competition and win a gift-package of Dead-Sea products from „Ahava“!
This is how it works: Just post the pictures, that represent Israel for you the most on our Facebook-Profile Wall (
The pictures could be for example from your last trip to Israel or from the Yom Ha’atzmaut celebrations/ ILI-Day in your city.
We will collect all the pictures in a photo-album on our Facebook-Profile and the five pictures that receive the most „likes“ until Wednesday, 1pm, will win!
Please note: You need to have the copyright for the pictures that you post, and please try not to post more than five pictures per person. Enjoy and happy Yom Ha’atzmaut everybody!
Amy Baxter // Mai 7, 2011 at 06:18
God bless Israel. I love this nation, the jewish people. My savior lord Jesus Christ cames from you. From you Israel comes the realy live and my shelter. I’ve to thanks our God, the God of Abraham, Isaak and Jacob for his love! God bless you all.